Public Screenings

Please contact us to arrange a screening

Screenings have included:

Human Rights Film Festival of Barcelona
Haifa University, Haifa Center for German & European Studies

Brooklyn Heights Synagogue - New York
Ladue Chapel Presbyterian Church - St. Louis
Jerusalem Press Club - Jerusalem
Bristol Palestine Film Festival
Middle East Studies Association (MESA) FilmFest - Washington DC
The Other Israel Film Festival - New York
The St. Louis Jewish Film Society & Webster University Film Series
Willy Brandt Center - Jerusalem
Rosary Sisters - Nazareth
YMCA International - Jerusalem
French Cultural Institute - East Jerusalem
Columbia University Teachers College - New York
David Yellin Teachers College - Jerusalem
America House - East Jerusalem
Peaceful Education Community Center - Tulkarem
American Cultural Center - Jerusalem
Anata Local Council - Anata
Educational Bookshop - East Jerusalem
